\nLoading news...
\n }\n\n {\n this.state.newsList != null && this.state.newsList.length > 0 &&\n{this.state.newItem.title}
\nI'm Julio, an Argentinian-born Software Engineer, currently working and living in London.
\nI'm a Computer Science graduate from FASTA University, located in my home country. After 7 years of experience in the tech industry, working mostly for consultancy, I moved abroad thanks to a job offer from Amazon. To the date I'm writing this, I'm close to my 4th year anniversary. If you happen to be curious about my career and want to know more, I invite you to take a look at my trajectory in Linkedin.
\nNot everything is about work, isn't it? In my spare time I spend quite significantly amount of time playing Badminton, my now favourite sport. I started to play back in 2012, in a local club from my hometown, Bariloche. I had to put it on hold for a couple of years, since in Argentina is not as popular as other sports, and it was tough to find people to play with, also due to some serious injuries. Fortunately, I decided to give it a shot again in London, looking for an activity to socialise after the lockdown was over, and I just couldn't stop.
\nI also like to cycle, although I'm not that active as I was before starting to play badminton again. Nevertheless, 2024 was a great year for me in this sport, since I completed 2 \"Gran Fondos\": London Ride Essex and London to Brighton. And of course, I'm on Strava.
Another of my hobbies is photography, and that's actually one of the reasons I created this site, so I can use it to share my \"work\". Please, take a look at my gallery to check my photos. If you happen to be a model and wish to work together, or if you have any business proposal, feel free to contact me.
\nBesides this website, I also have some social networks. Feel free to pay them a visit:
\n \n\nIf you have any question, feedback or just want to say hi, complete the following form.
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\nUsername: {userInfo.username}
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\n\n { success &&Change your password:
\nIf you have any question, feedback or just want to say hi, complete the following form.
\nWorking On It
\n\nThis is the new...
\n\n {this.state.loading &&Loading
}\n\nFirst post of the year! And it's to announce that there is a new tool available to play, a map editor for an HTML game (the game prototype that I shared before).
\nThe editor for now is pretty basic, and it doesn't have that many assets yet, but it has enough features to deserve a place here. Unfortunately it doesn't have a built-in tutorial, so here are some key features/hints if you want to give it a go:
The editor can be found here. Please, feel free to give it a try. If you have any comment/feedback, leave them in the contact section, and I'll gladly go through them :)
\nThe game prototype of the game can be here).
\nWe embarked on many new adventures, including setting foot in the far East—an unknown land for us—where we unlocked our first of seven achievements while exploring the vast and enduring Great Wall of China. Along the way, we met new people whose cultures were different from ours, but who shared more common values and goals than we could have imagined.
\nIn sports, we made notable progress, valiantly fighting our way to the top in some events, though we were also defeated in many others. Some of those battles left scars and injuries that will take time to heal, but the rewards—trophies, medals, and, most importantly, the fun and friendships—made it all worthwhile.
\nI'm confident that the 2025 update will bring even more quests for us to tackle.
\nA while has passed since I've uploaded the first version of the website, and finally I decided to officially make some changes around here.
\nThe gallery has been growing in the past month, and the picture viewer was revamped as well. I know, it's still not as user friendly as it can be, but will invest more time on time as soon as I finish with other projects. As for the content, I've been trying to cover more and more badminton events (in which I also participated), and some other exciting photo shoots. If you happen to be interested in shooting together, drop be me a message (you can do so here).
\nI'm also updating other sections in the site. An example is a demo of the first version of an HTML 5 game I started a couple of years ago, but that have never seen the light until now. I've been refactoring it as a multiplayer game, and will soon give more updates on that.
\nWelcome to my website!
\nAfter many many months, I finally could make some time to update the site. I added a gallery where I'll be sharing photos and drawings/paintings.
\nHopefully it won't take that long until the next time.
\nI've created a map editor for the game I shared further in this section. It can found here
.\nThe editor for now is pretty basic, and it doesn't have that many assets yet, but it's helpful enough for me to design the new scenarios for my game.'
\nSakana is an echo sounder simulator, which is basically the \"sound radars\" that are normally being used on ships.
\nWhile it started as graduation project, it later turned out to a part time job, funded partially by the Argentinian government through the FONSOFT program. Sadly, things don't work in Argentina very well, and long-story short, the funds were cut.
\n \nI'm still hosting the website for the project, and it can be found here. There is still a demo that's available for download.
\nI just uploaded the very first version of a HTML 5 game I started a couple of years ago.\n For now it's pretty simple, you can just walk around an empty space by clicking on the tiles.\n It allows also to move the camera around with the arrows, and zooming in/out with the +/- keys.
\nI've been refactoring this project to so it can be used as a multiplayer game, and will soon be available here.
\nAlthough I'm not a professional, I've been doing photography on the side for quite a while now. I'm mostly interested on sports and fashion, and I'm trying to cover as many events as I can (mostly badminton tournaments). If you are in need of someone with those skills, don't hesitate to contact me. Also, if you are looking to expand your portfolio as a model in a TFP (time for prints), let me know.
\nThere are plenty of examples in gallery of my previous shots.
\n\nIf you are looking for someone to build your application, whether is mobile, web or even a game, I might be the guy. With more than 10 years on the field, I've been doing pretty much everything (I shared a bit of my career in this section and on my Linkedin).
\nFeel free to share your contact details with me here , and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
\n{service.serviceName}: {service.status}